For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16
A few years ago, I was involved in a hit and run accident. I was not seriously injured but suffered some bruises, abrasions, and soreness. There were three people who saw the accident, but each one had a different perspective of exactly how they viewed this incidence. Four different people in 1950’s movie called Rashomon had a different slant on their analysis of the same murder scene. Based subjectively instead of objectively, people typically come up with different observations or translations of a recollection, yet each has its own merit. This is called the Rashomon Effect.
Just like our own interpretation of Christ, we all view Him differently, and Christ has worked through each of us in our unique individuality. We have many denominations, some of which add emphasis on a specific scripture while placing less value on other ones, to fit a certain criteria of policies and guidelines to compose their doctrine. We opt for the one which makes us feel comfortable in our interpretation of Christ.
If we would stand back and look at the gospel objectively, without prejudice or a biased opinion, we would get to the heart of the message--Christ died for our sins. He paid the penalty. His victory over death becomes our victory. His gift of grace is for all who believe. It’s that simple.
This is the message we should tell our children, our grandchildren, our neighbor, and the world. This accurate message of merit brings hope, peace, forgiveness, and life. This message of reconciliation is built on a foundation of love that is sure and true. Even though we may have our own experience and interpretation of God, His story of redemption and forgiveness through His Son remains steadfast. This is the part of the message we need to pass on to others.
Kurt Kaiser wrote a song called, “Pass It On.” The words are, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love once you’ve experienced it. You spread His love to everyone. You want to pass it on.”
We will want to pass it on because when we abide in His love, it automatically overflows to spill onto others. We don’t need to be ashamed to share this message because it is the power of God for salvation to the world. No embellishments are needed to start the spark to turn the world on fire. The Good News Gospel of Jesus came, Jesus died, and Jesus lives-- pass it on!
Dearest One, Jesus Christ, Help me to pass your message of love to others. Amen
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