I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:49
Jesus did, and will bring that fire on earth, as He set it blazing the day He gave His life as a ransom for us. He went through the torments of the flames of the cross to come out victoriously on the other side. His was not a purification process; He was already pure and blameless. Yet His painful death was by the hands of our infliction. He triumphed to rise again, after the penalty was met. If we want to share in His victory, we too must go through the purification fire.
We go through the fire as our hearts are stirred to His message, and light is shed on our disgusting sins, sins hidden in the dark corners of our hearts and minds. But not only are our sins and imperfections illuminated by His perfect brilliance, but then a decision must be made, to allow those sins to be brought forward, and laid at the feet of Jesus, or to walk away carrying our sins with us.
If we choose to allow His purification process to burn away all that is not in His likeness, we will die to ourselves. This painful experience brings us also victoriously to the other side, new, clean, and reborn in Him.
Why is it a painful process? The answer is simple; It’s pride! We have actually learned how to cope in this world using our own methods. We cling to those things like a life ring. So our pride actually may be mingled with fear. If we would humbly admit that our ways are not working, and admit we need His help, we are forgiven immediately, yet the refining procedure of molding us into His likeness is an ongoing process.
There is one big difference, though at times it is painful, we know that one who loves us unconditionally, will be with us, every step of the way. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were not in that fiery furnace alone, we too will never be alone once we invite Christ into our life. We may even learn to view our purification fire as His warm arms of love, encircling us for eternity. Only a Father who cares, would discipline, correct, and refine us in His fire.
Dear Father in heaven, Forgive us our sins, and purify our hearts with your flame of love. In Christ I pray, Amen.
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