For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?  Romans 11:34
I find that the older I get, and the more I delve into the Word, the less I really know about the Lord. Things that I believed when I was young, have mellowed and changed with time. I strive to know the Lord better each day, but then I realize that things that I thought once true, are not necessarily true. Things that once I deemed as black and white now are in the grey area. Preconceived ideas I once owned, are now leaning toward unbiased possibilities. I am not the only one in this boat. Others have agreed with me on this matter. Who can really know the mind of God?
If we think we do know the mind of God, Romans 11:34, tells us otherwise. When we begin to speak for the Lord, have we set ourselves up to be His counselor instead of the other way around? We think we know His judgments, but do we really? We have the infallible Word of God, but we, as fallible interpreters, just might be getting some things wrong.
Faith is the key. Just trusting that this God will be God, no matter what I think, or what may happen. Believing in The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to fulfill all He meant to fulfill, with or without any help from me.  Worshipping Him, and not my idea of Him. Giving all of me, and all I own, in full abandonment to Him, come what may.
The riches of His wisdom and knowledge are so deep, we could never reach its depths.  Just when you think you have a handle on this whole thing, the Lord changes your heart. It’s a constant growing experience, I believe, until we meet Him face to face. Until then, we just need to keep the faith, keep praying, keep loving, and keep on keeping on, until all is accomplished.
Knowing Him fully is impossible. Yet He tells us to accept His teaching, and learn from Him. (Matthew 11:29) We need to study, seek, and learn, but realize that even when we search and search, we will never truly fathom all His ways. (Romans 11:33) Isaiah 55:8 says, “ My thoughts are completely different from your, “ says the Lord, “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Our minds are limited to the boundaries of our God-given imagination. In faith if we make all things about God, not us, we will grow. He will bestow His peaceful Spirit, as we lean on His understanding, and trust in His truth, not ours.
Help me Oh Lord to learn more of you each day. I trust you fully. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.
