This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began.  Titus 1:2

Every spring my husband and I would plant a garden. My husband would till the ground, pulling up weeds, and loosening the soil. I would plant the seeds, and do some watering with the hose, however, nothing feeds plants better than rain. So we would hope for just enough rain and sunshine, to produce wonderful summer vegetables. We never had a guarantee that conditions would cooperate to give us a bounty, but we did all we could, and then we would wait and hope.

The hope that a Christian has is much different. It is not wishful thinking, but an inward knowledge of peace, given by God when we trust in Him. We have the written word, but we also have an indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that assures us of our eternity.

In Titus 1:2, Paul is writing a letter to Titus, who is supervising the churches on the island of Crete. In this introduction, He is letting the church know that they can be confident in their eternal life, because of the work that God did through Jesus Christ who was with God, and was God, before the world began. Read John 1, which backs up with scripture, this point.

Paul stresses that God, is a God of truth. He does not lie. Other scriptures in the Bible, back up this point of God being truth. Jeremiah 10:10 refers to God as the true God. Psalms 31:5 speaks of Him being the God of truth. John 8:38:32 says that this truth will set you free. “The sum of your word is truth,” is found in Psalms 119:160. In Hebrews 6:18 it says that it is impossible for God to lie.

We have a God of truth, who tells us of a way, paved for us to eternal life with Him. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we can stand by the grace of His love, and rejoice in our hope of the glory of God. The power of the Holy Spirit helps us to abound in that hope. We do not have to sit on our knowledge of wishful thinking, but know without a shadow of a doubt, that God is in us, and we in Him.  

Hope obtained, pardoned eternally is my acronym for the word HOPE. We must plant our seeds of hope in the garden of this world. People need to hear the truth. People are longing for the truth. When we cultivate and tend this garden, God will produce an abundance, so that hopelessness, despair, doubt and fear will decrease, as faith, hope, and love will increase.

Thank you oh God, for bringing us hope in your truthful Word. Amen
