A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

A few years ago, I gave my grandson a toy train. Every year at Christmas, his parents get it out of the box and set it up on the floor. It has a round track, with several brightly colored cars. It plays Christmas music. When the train is switched to the on position, the train will go, and go, and go, in circles. It will do this until the batteries run out of energy.

I wonder, how many of us go through the motions of spirituality each day, but it has little meaning in our lives? We say a prayer without thinking. We do ritualistic church activities without knowing what it means. We get baptized, take communion, memorize prayers and creeds, but our minds are elsewhere. We go to church on Christmas, and Easter, and we hope we have fulfilled our obligation.

At times it seems as if we are on a toy train track, going round and round, and our journey is leading nowhere, fast. We may even feel numb on the inside. Maybe we have issues that are taking a toll on our energy reserve. We may be experiencing health, work, marital, money, or a myriad of other problems. These things can sometimes suck the life out of our walk with Christ.

If we have faith, then we need to trust that God is carrying us through these stale times. We need to continue doing the rituals and the motions, even when it seems pointless, because we know that those practices are good for us, and because at least we are on the right track. It is better for us to remain there, then to leave the track into new territory that is not aiming toward the light of Christ.

We can also, come to the life giving source, asking for His help.  We need to truly want it, and realize our lack of appetite for spiritual things. Being honest about our condition, is the first step.  In John 10:10, Jesus lets us know that He has abundant life to give to us. An abundant life is a fullness of joy and strength for our mind, body, and soul. 

There is no specific prayer for us to say to Him, but a deep inward yearning of the heart that gently calls us to the one who gives purpose, forgiveness, and untethered love. We can ask for forgiveness for our lack of zeal, for a rekindled fire in our heart, and for a filling of the Holy Spirit. It is through Him, our thirst is quenched, and our renewed spirit, is filled with joy.

If we keep pushing through, we will eventually be pulled out of our rut by the hand of the Father, and receive a fresh outpouring of energy from the Holy Spirit. Round and round isn't always completely meaningless. It could possibly be part of the larger journey.

God has a plan for each of us, and if we come to Christ, He will lead us on that journey to somewhere meaningful. His energy in us will never die. He will never leave or forsake us. Our destination is abundant, everlasting life.

Dear Christ, I want that abundant everlasting life, only you have to offer. I want my life to have meaning and purpose, so I come humbly to you. Amen
