Behold, God is exalted, and we do not know Him; The number
of His years is unsearchable. Job 36:26
We need to ask ourselves this question, “Do I have enough
faith in God to believe that I don’t know, but I will trust Him anyway?” I was
raised in a very strict religious way. The bottom line was: You must believe
this way, or you are wrong. Now as an older adult, I am realizing that maybe
thinking we know, is a trap of pride. Maybe true knowledge is the fact that we
know very little.
There is one thing that is non-negotiable, if you want to
come to God and have abundant life now, you need to go through Jesus. In the
Bible, this is stated very clearly, many times. Other than that, maybe all
other things are cumbersomely mute.
I am not saying these things are, or aren’t true, but just
planting a seed of faith. If you went to heaven, and found out that God was
both male and female, would you turn away, or still trust? If in the presence
of God, He informed you that His billion years, is like one day to you, in
other words, it took Him our billions of years to create the earth, as defined
by His one day, would you be angry? If in the afterlife, you run into the most
evil person you know, would you leave God’s presence disgusted, wondering; why
was this person given the same wages or rewards as me, or would you rest in
God’s infinite knowledge of His own justice system?
Now before you think I have gone off the deep end, I assure
you, I have not. I am just wondering if our faith could be strong enough to
trust, even if we are wrong. Can we truly believe He is a God of, “I Can,”
instead of the definition of the God we design? We take a scripture here, and
there, and piece them together to form a stringent determination, never
entertaining the idea of possible outside parameters, or our own fallibility. With
this way of thinking, God becomes the God of, “I Can, if I say so,” mentality. In
essence, what we believe become our idol, instead of whom we serve.
When Jesus came to earth, the religious leaders had a
definition of God. They could not, and would not entertain the idea of a lowly
person, being God in the flesh. He did not meet their qualifications. Do we put
qualifiers on God? Do we say, “Well, this is what the Bible says, and it means
exactly my way of thinking?” Could we have enough faith to have confidence that
He is a God in control, and our job is to rest in His easy yoke with assurance?
I have made a decision to trust God no matter what. I may
find out I was wrong about many things, but this I know, God loves me, God gave
His life for me, and God is pure, holy, and capable of anything, even when He
does not meet my clarification or qualification. I come to Him, seeking
forgiveness for being so prideful by placing Him in my definition of who I
think He should be. My dependence is not on my knowledge, but on Him in His
ultimate wisdom.
Forgive me Oh Lord, for putting parameters around you,
making you less that who you really are. I trust you to be the God of, “I Can
and I Will.” Amen
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