Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.” In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.  Luke 15:8-10

My son’s back yard gate had not been properly closed, and Hunter, a German Short Haired Pointer, escaped for a frolic in the nearby park. He had done this before, but always came back home. This time Hunter didn’t return, and we were doing everything in our power to locate and bring him safely home. Days turned into a week with no sign of Hunter. Jonathan and his family were beginning to think he may never return.

I went to Jonathan and Kelly’s home to help in their effort to locate their beloved dog. We stood in the kitchen, holding hands, and prayed to God for His direction. We also prayed for Hunter’s safety, and for peace to come to terms with the outcome. After eleven, long days, someone called and said that they had the dog. The day that Hunter came home, was a day of great rejoicing.

The Bible tells us that when a sinner comes to Christ in repentance, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God. In Luke 15:8-10, Jesus tells us a story of a woman who loses her coin, and when she locates it, she is elated. She calls her friends and neighbors to celebrate.

There are two other stories told by Jesus in the 15th chapter of Luke. The first story tells of 100 sheep, and one is lost. The shepherd leaves the 99 other sheep in search for the one that is lost. When he finds it, he gathers his friends together to rejoice with him. The second story is about a son who leaves home with his inheritance, and squanders it away until he is penniless, homeless, and hungry. He decides to go back home, ask his father’s forgiveness, and work as a hired hand. When he returns home his father was waiting and watching. He was so happy that his son was back home that he had a party to celebrate his return.

Do you feel as if you are a long way from home and you are a little lost? Do you feel like your life is going in the wrong direction, and it is out of control? Is sin keeping you a prisoner?  Don’t lose hope, because Jesus is watching, and waiting with open arms, to free you from the sin that enslaves you. Just turn around, and run home to Him in repentance. There you will find sweet peace, and freedom. A celebration will be had by the angels because once you were lost, but now you are found.

Dear Father, Thank you for searching for us when we are lost. Help us to find our way back home. Amen
