But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days.  Micah 5:2

I remember one year for Christmas, asking my parents for a pair of white go-go boots. I was a very young teen, and this was the latest in fashion. Oh how I wanted those boots.

Young people today, may not understand the yearning for go-go boots, but they do understand the longing for the latest in fashion, or technology, likewise, an adult may dream of a new car, computer, television, etc.  So anyone can imagine that particular Christmas Eve, hoping with excitement, that the next day I would be donning my newest footwear.  I could play in my mind, returning to school, looking oh so cool and fashionable, in my beautiful new boots.

For many years, the Jewish nation, was waiting with expectation for the arrival of the foretold Messiah. It had been a promise, made by the prophets of old. They knew that this Messiah would come to be the redeemer of the world.

Finally, prophecy came true, when a lowly young teen girl, by the name of Mary, was visited by an angel. This angel told her that she would bear this baby from God. He was the fulfillment of all the scriptures. She willingly accepted the calling, and from that day forward, Mary was blessed among all women.

Unfortunately, many in the Jewish nation, could not believe that this one, could possibly be the Messiah. He was no one special as in the eyes of the world. Some today, are still waiting for the Messiah. The true and good news is, the wait was over, the day the Holy Spirit, planted the seed in Mary’s womb. He did come, He did love, and He did allow the greatest sacrifice ever.

When I received my boots on Christmas morning, I was ecstatic, however my dreams in my head were dashed when I returned to school. I was not special. Almost every girl in the class had new go-go boots. It wasn’t what I expected.

Jesus, wasn’t what the world expected either. He was an everyday looking man of flesh and blood, born of lowly parents, in a stable. The wealthy, regal-king-on-the-throne mentality, was dashed, especially by the religious leaders.

What exactly are we expecting from God? He has already given us Himself. There will be no other gift to meet all the qualifications, but Jesus Christ. He came to be the Savior of not only the Jewish nation, but the Savior for all men. The chosen one has already fulfilled the promise, so we do not need to wait with expectation. We need to come in faith, to expect the unexpected.

Dear Father, Thank you for the fulfillment of your promise to us. Thank you for Jesus. Amen
