The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; He protects those who take refuge in him, even in a rushing flood. Nahum 1:7-8

We just went through a flood. I have never seen so much rain in my life. At times, I thought the rain would never stop. Harvey had hit with a vengeance leaving us with over three feet of rain. In some areas is was over 50 inches. I thought of Noah and his ark, and people scrambling to get above the rising water. But God promised us, He would never again flood the world, so I believed that!

The streets became rivers, the cars became submarines, and the houses became roofs sticking out of the water like sails on a boat. People were displaced, and some lost their lives. Yet, in the midst of all this horror, the Lord is good.

Sunday, September 3, was the National Day of Prayer. Our church held services, as many others did also. Some churches that had been flooded, met outside in the parking lot, to worship God. It didn’t matter because the Lord was their refuge, not a church building. They knew that the walls could be torn down and replaced, but the healing of heart takes a little more effort. With God’s help, a healing will happen.

 I witnessed people, not shaking their fists at God, but taking delight in Him. In the time of need, God is our best source of comfort and strength to endure through hardships. The flood may take lives, but the love of God forms a barrier of protection for the souls of those who belong to Him.

We also had communion on Sunday, and I witnessed people, remembering the great sacrifice of God. He gave His one and only son, to take the sins of the world. It was fitting to remember the greatest sacrifice of all times.  We were told to give thanks in all circumstances, and that was what I witnessed; people praising God, despite their troubles.

There are tears, sorrows, and losses, but many are not without hope, even though material things may be lost. God can mend broken hearts, heal wounds, and provide strength and comfort for those in need. God did not bring Harvey, but God can heal us from the wounds of Harvey.

Harvey was the catalyst that brought people together in brotherly love. Even those who were affected by the storm, were putting others first. There was no thought of race, gender, creed, or political party, just people banding together, for the good of others. During a time of prevalent discourse in the world, it was refreshing to witness this love: the Golden Rule, in action.

Dear Father, We thank that you are there for us, even in the midst of devastation. We believe you can mend our hearts, and heal our land.  Amen
