Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17
This morning when I rose from my sleep I said, “This is the
day the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” I went for my walk,
and continued in prayer.
Dear Lord, Thank you for the soft pillow that cradled my
neck while I slept, but also thank you for this sudden crick in my neck giving
pain. It reminds me that you did not even have a pillow for your head when you
came to this world as an infant. I am also reminded of the pain you chose to
suffer, on the cross.
Thank you for my legs that are able to walk, but thank you
also for the discomfort in my knees, which remind me that all the weight of my
sin, was carried by the weight of the cross on your shoulders. I am eternally
Thank you for the sun that sends its beams of heat, but also
thank you for the shady spots that give way to a cool breeze. I am reminded
that in your light, my sin is exposed, and in the shadow of your wing, I find
Thank you for the dragonfly, which whizzes past me, and pauses
in midair, reminding me to dance, and sing, and have fun, but also to stop, and
meditate, and listen to you.
Thank you for giving me sight to see this path, but thank
you for blinding me to some things. I understand that only a Father of great
love, wants to protect His children.
Thank you for the hunger I feel in my soul, to know you
better each day, but thank you also for the times I feel so full of your Holy
Spirit that I am in awe.
Thank you for the times of plenty, and thank you for the
times of want. It’s during the times of need, you draw me closer to your side.
Thank you for comfort, but thank you for sorrow. In my
sorrow, I am moldable, and have a heightened sense of compassion, and empathy to
the condition of others. I am also reminded that you were a man of many sorrows,
and acquainted with grief.
Thank you for the scent of a flower, but thank you for the
stench. I am reminded that in my cesspool of sin, you plucked me out, and made
me clean with your living water of life.
Thank you for each breath, and each step I take on this
path. I am aware that these are your gifts, and each one brings me one step
closer to you.
Thank you for the good things, and the bad. Thank you for
the beautiful things, and the ugly things. Thank you for the ups and thank you
for the downs. Thank you for each season of life. In all things, and all
circumstances, I give you my praise.
Thank you for being my Savior, my Lord, my King, and my
Father. I humbly lift up my words of thanksgiving. My heart belongs to you, for
only you are worthy to be praised.
Please accept this prayer, as my offering of gratitude. In
The Name of Jesus, Amen
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