Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and
meted out heaven with the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the
measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? Isaiah 40:12
I remember teaching my granddaughter to bake her first cake.
It was just a box mix, but she was so excited to get to put together a yummy
creation. We got out all the necessary equipment and ingredients. I showed her
the importance of following a recipe, and measuring each thing precisely. I explained that the oven had to be the
correct temperature, and the baking pans needed to be prepared properly. She
was so proud when her cake came out of the oven, just right, and beamed when
she presented it to the family for dessert.
When God created this world, He measured each thing
precisely. He placed each thing in a specific place. He made sure the temperature
and atmosphere was just so, for His plants, animals, and people to thrive. He stood back and looked at what He had
created and said, “This is good, very good!”
So how then, can we measure God? Isaiah 40:18 says, “To whom
then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him?” The answer is, God is measureless. There
could be no creation by our hands that would compare to God. In Isaiah 40:15-17 says, “Certainly the
nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the
balance; He takes up the coastlands as a very little thing. Lebanon is not
sufficient to burn, nor the beasts sufficient as a burnt offering. All
nations before Him are as nothing, and they are counted by Him as less than
nothing and meaningless.”
The ultimate measure of God’s love, was His Son, Jesus, when
He became the sacrificial lamb, bearing our judgement. He stood in the place of
all the sin from the beginning of time, to the end of the ages, a heavy weight
indeed. As a result, no physical
sacrifice by us would be enough to cover the praise that is due Him. Anything
we have to offer, was created by His hands anyway, not ours. The best we can
give Him, is our heart.
When we give Him our heart, He then measures out the exact
ingredients we need at His precise timing to prepare and mold us into His
beautiful creation. We at times may go through trials, feeling as if we are
being baked in the oven, but when we are forged into His likeness, we become a
new creation. When God sees us, He doesn’t see our flaws, but sees the
righteousness of His Son in us. When we step out of this life, and are
presented before God’s throne, He will look at us, and beam at our
presentation. He may say, “This is good, very good.”
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank you for your perfect measurement and weights of
judgement. Thank you for the sacrifice of your one and only son.
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