Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:7-8

The extended family was at our home for a gathering. The children were happy to have their cousins there to play. When the adults went to check on them, where were they? All of them were in a big cardboard box. I had to snap a picture, because they were so cute. Even with all the toys, to them, the box was the best.

We as adults like certain toys also. We like our cars, televisions, stereo equipment, and smart devices. Yet if we were asked, “What is the most important thing you would like to have, if it were the last day of your life?”  I think most of us would say, “We want our loved ones gathered round.”

Who exactly are our loved ones? Our spouse, parent, child, relative, or best friend? When Jesus was hanging on the cross, his mother and disciples were gathered around. He loved them, and He loved His mother. At one point Jesus says to his disciples, “Behold thy mother.” He was placing her in their care. His love was being displayed even in the midst of agony.

There were also, hecklers at that scene. There were those taking His clothes and bartering for them. Jesus loved them also. It was for all of them that He willingly gave His life. Who were Jesus’s loved ones? Everyone!

Jesus set the best example of all. We tend to play with the cardboard box. We place all our love, hopes, dreams, and best with only our little circle of loved ones. We should not diminish their worth to our lives, but we need to realize there is much more that those inside our cardboard box. We have neighbors, teachers, leaders, even enemies who need our love.

We need to think outside the box. God did! He loved the world to death by sending His one and only Son to earth in human form. He loved so much, He allowed nails in His hands and feet, He allowed His blood to be spilled onto the ground, He allowed His own death, and He experienced His resurrection.

Look around. Is there anyone who needs our love today? Through God’s love, we have the ability widen our circle of love, to include those outside our cardboard box.

Dear Father,

Thank you for showing us, and teaching us true love for each other.

