In Christ we are made free by his blood sacrifice. We have forgiveness of sins because of God’s rich grace. God gave us that grace fully and freely. With full wisdom and understanding He let us know His secret plan. This was what God wanted, and He planned to do it through Christ. Ephesians 1:7-9

When I was ten years old, we had an old station wagon. This was before air conditioning and seat belts. On Sunday, all eight of us would pile into that car and drive 30 minutes or more on roads with curves, hills and some gravel. In the heat of the summer, all windows would be rolled down to allow hot air to circulate. The back did not have a seat. It was more like a storage compartment. That is where my little brother and I would sit.

Between the hairpin curves, hills, wind noise and gravel dust, by time we got to church, I would many times be car sick. It wasn’t until the older siblings began to leave home, and I graduated to a front seat, I was able to go places without getting sick. The youngest ones had to wait their turn to reap the benefits and privileges by being older.

It is so nice to know that the moment we say yes, to God’s call to accept His Son as our Lord and Savior, we immediately reap all the benefits of being in the family of God. We don’t have to wait for the filling of the Holy Spirit. We gain full advantage of being totally forgiven and cleansed of all our sins. We have the full use of all of God’s blessings and spiritual gifts. We have assurance of life everlasting.

Now it is true that we can grow mature in our Christian walk as we dive into His word, listen to His voice, and be obedient in His work, but still all the basics are fully given at the very beginning of our walk with Jesus. We do not have to do our time. We are given full access to all God has to offer, and receive His privileges immediately.

God lets us sit in the front seat right by His side. We are no longer sick with sin.  We need to always let Him be in the driver’s seat though. Through His son, Jesus, who is the way, we can get to our destination in life, by letting Him do the navigation. He will help us on the hair pin turns, the bumps and the potholes of life.

Our destination is the grandest Church service ever. He will wipe away all our tears. There will be no more sorrow or suffering. We will sit before His throne and worship, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb that was Slain.

Dear Savior, Thank you for being our way, our truth and our life. Amen
