He will keep you strong until the end so that on the day
when our Lord Jesus Christ comes, you will be free from all blame. 1 Corinthians 1:8
To all my children, by the grace, love and forgiveness of
God the father, I come to Him and to you to admit my many faults, wrong-doings,
and negligence. God blessed me with all five of you wonderful children. When
you were born, I felt a love that was all-consuming. The presence of this force
almost left me sick; possibly from the gravity of responsibility, for
protecting, and nourishing this life given to me by God.
I so desperately wanted to get everything right, but I admit
to you, my children, in many, many ways, I have failed. I tried to feed you, not
only food and milk, but with the food of God’s love.
I took you to church. I prayed with you at mealtimes,
bedtimes, and times when you had special requests. I sang songs to you, played
games with you, molded clay, colored, built towers, built blanket tents and
pretended with you. I gave you baths, washed your clothes, cooked for you, and
did homework with you. I rocked you, kissed your scraped knees, put you to bed
at night and reminded you, that you were beautiful, talented, and smart. I took
long walks with you, and drove you from one place to another. I watched and
listened to you practice, sing, read, perform, tell jokes, do tricks, and relay
your disappointments and concerns.
Yes, in many senses, I was a good mother but there is the
other side of the coin. Many times I did not listen to you as well as I should
have. I could have talked about Jesus more. I was not as patient as I could
have been, and I became angry at times. I didn’t always set the best
Christ-like example. I allowed arguments in front of you. I said words that
were inappropriate or cutting. I forgot you even at times. I didn’t always see
to your needs before mine. I sometimes made the topic about me instead of you.
I was judgmental. I was thoughtless. I embarrassed you at times. I didn’t
always hold my tongue as I should have. I made numerous mistakes.
I come to God and to you to say I am deeply sorry. I admit
my failures. I have a repentant mother’s heart. I come to you asking for your
forgiveness. I had only one opportunity to get everything right, and I was far
from perfect, however, God, in His grace, raised you to be wonderful adults,
despite me.
To all parents I say, In Christ, do His best, not yours. Remember
that your missionary ministry begins at home. Preach Jesus Christ. Set a Godly
example. Ask God and your children for forgiveness, when you have wronged them,
and then, learn to forgive yourself. Be patient, kind, slow to anger, quick to
forgive and really listen to them. Go to God each day and allow Him to guide
your tongue, your thoughts and your actions. Most importantly of all, show
God’s love to your children. You can’t go too wrong, when you are grounded in
God’s love.
Raising children is a difficult task. It can wear you down
emotionally, physically and mentally. Just remember and claim this scripture,
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Now seems like an eternity, but this time
goes by so quickly. God will keep us strong till the end, and when we are
finished, with mistakes and all, He will count us blameless through the blood
of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!
Dear Father, Thank you for setting the best example of all.
Bless all mothers with your forgiveness and strength. Amen
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