We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor
pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the
first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption
of our bodies. Romans 8:22-23
I have given birth five times and even though each birth was
a little different, one thing was the same; the painful, but necessary, waves
of contractions. The birthing process takes time and is difficult for both the
baby and the mother. When the timing is right, the end result of all this labor
is a beautiful, new, little life to hold and love.
When I watched my mother die, I realized how much dying can
be like giving birth. She laid there and labored with each breath, taking her
time to go through that passage of life to a place of quiet rest. It was
painful for her, and it was painful for us to watch. When the timing was just
right, mom went through that passage to be held and loved by her creator, and
we took a sigh of relief knowing she was no longer struggling.
Another process that is like labor pains, is when we die
spiritually to ourselves, to become new in Christ. It can be painful to get to
that place where we admit our sinfulness. Sometimes the waves of doubt and
guilt cause us to vacillate between that decision to face the reality of our
sin, or to think we are just fine the way we are. We may even compare ourselves
to others thinking, “I am not nearly as bad as the other guy.” Deep in our
hearts though, we know we are imperfect. Facing that head on is difficult. The
birthing process comes when we realize that we need the forgiveness of Jesus,
to make that passage from our selfishness to His selflessness. Then we are
reborn in His forgiveness; a wonderful new creation.
Lastly, labor pains are what we feel, while waiting for
Christ’s return. The Bible says we groan knowing that this momentary affliction
of suffering will eventually lead to a passage of God’s glorious kingdom here
on Earth. Our journey here is difficult. We fluctuate between waves of joy and
pain, success and failure, acceptance and rejection, love and loneliness. When
Christ returns, the labor pains will subside as He gives us a new body;
unflawed, and fresh. Our tears will be wiped away as we will be cradled, safe
and sound in our Heavenly Father’s arms. On that day, labor pains finally give
way to birth.
Dear Lord,
We groan, waiting for your return. Help us to do your work
until that day.
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