

Luke 24:6
He is not here, but is risen!

(Photo by Phyllis Schnell)

Easter Sunday is one of my favorite holidays. It's a time of renewal. We see the grass starting to turn green, the breezes are a little warmer, the Daffodil flowers are starting to bloom, fresh green leaves are appearing on the trees and the days are a little longer. I love Spring, and I actually think people have more of a spring in their steps.

I'm sure all our grandchildren will be dressed in the Easter best, as they go to church. There may even be an Easter egg hunt on the lawn. Later in the afternoon, our family will gather at a local park where the kids can run and play. We will have a picnic dinner of fried chicken with other wonderful delicacies. It's always a good time of fellowship, fun, food and laughter.

I hope all who are reading this, have a wonderful Easter, but I can't stop without saying this. The most important reason for celebrating Easter is to celebrate the life we can have because of the risen Savior. Jesus died a gruesome death on the cross for our sins. He was our substitute; the sinless, unblemished, sacrificial lamb. He was the final blood sacrifice ever needed. When He died, He did not remain in the tomb. He rose victoriously; triumphant from death's grip, and it is because of Him, we too can have this life everlasting. On this Easter, come to Him with all your burdens, hopes, dreams, and sin. Lay it at His holy feet. Make Him your Lord and Savior.

This Easter, celebrate new life through Jesus Christ! Christ has risen and He loves you!
