Jenny Calvert

2 Peter 1: 5-8 (NRSV)
I have many times told my children and grandchildren, “Behave!”
Parents expect their children to be polite and play nice. We want them to watch
their behavior at home and in public because it is the right thing to do, and
they are a representation of us as parents.
Unfortunately, adults need to watch their behavior also. We
are just coming out of a political battle that did not set a good example to
our children. There was much mudslinging, name calling, and just plain bad
behavior. Bad behavior does not only show up in the political realm, but also
in everyday adult mingling.
One day, I was at a restaurant and I noticed the waiter
seemed wary. When asked what was wrong, he expressed his dislike for the group
of church ladies that came in to eat. He expressed that they were difficult,
rude, demanding, and left poor tips. I apologized on behalf of my unknown Christian
sisters for their behavior. I was embarrassed for them and knew that their
witness for Christ had been tarnished.
On another day, I spoke to a lady who works for the annual
quilt festival. She said that over dinner, she asked a man, who was working as
a guard of the quilts, why he chose to do this job for minimal pay. His answer
was, “I like how nicely everyone treats each other.”
Which behavior set the better example? We see rudeness on a
daily basis; people cutting in line, people cutting others off in mid-sentence,
people saying cutting things. People, especially Christians, need to cut it
out! Have we forgotten the elementary rules of good behavior? Has it been too
long since we were told to behave? We must remember that we are the only
representatives for Jesus Christ. Will others want to come to Christ if we are
acting badly? We need to remember the lesson we teach our children: Be polite
and play nice!
Dear Lord,
Forgive us for acting poorly at times. Help us to remember
that we represent You.
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