Photo: Greg Mellen
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16 (ESV)

Many years ago, my husband and I took a trip to Colorado. While there, we went to visit the town of Ouray. It is known as the little Switzerland of America. Nestled at the foot of several mountains, the area is breathtaking. The town itself is full of quint little shops and eateries. At the end of the town is Box Canyon, where an enormous waterfall plummets 285 feet over quartzite walls.

I was so stunned by all the beauty there that I would have loved to just stay forever. However, we did eventually have to leave, and when we did, I glanced back for one more look. There hovering over the town, stretching from one mountain peak to the other, was a beautiful double rainbow. I tried to capture a picture, but the photo just did not seem to display what I was seeing with my eyes…pure beauty!

Our planet Earth has millions of other sights. In my lifetime, I have only seen a fraction of all its gloriousness. God has blessed us in such a wonderful way, by surrounding us with His dazzling craftsmanship.

Yet there is still more beauty to behold. We have some descriptions in the Bible of the elegance of the New Jerusalem. The book of Revelations gives a depiction of a city of pure gold, with twelve different jewels that adorn the foundation of the wall of the city. It tells of twelve gates made of pearl and streets of gold, looking like transparent glass.

I can’t imagine such beauty! I look forward to the day I will behold the New Jerusalem, which will far outshine any view I have ever seen, including the one I saw in Ouray, Colorado.

But yet, more beautiful than all these things put together, will be the day I see the radiant face of the creator of all creation. The city will have no need of a sun or moon because He will be the light of the city. His beauty will probably leave me incapable to even divert my eyes. I will lift my voice in praise, and if I were to list all the beauty ever created, it would certainly take an eternity.

Dear Holy Creator,

I offer my devotion and praise to you and you alone. Thank you for all the beauty ever created.

In Your Name,


Written by: Jenny Calvert
