Written by: Jenny Calvert
Remove my sin and
make me pure. Wash me until I am whiter than snow! Psalms 51:7 (ERV)
My mother made
beautiful hand crochet doilies. She spent many hours working these beautiful
designs. There were enough for each of her children to pick one. My brother,
who was being funny said, “Yuck! I don’t want that one. It has a stain on it.” We
all laughed but I went ahead and picked it, because it was beautiful and I knew
there was hope in removing the stain. When I got home, I put it in the sink and
let it soak in stain remover. Next, I washed it with detergent and more stain remover.
It came out beautiful with only a hint of stain left. I was quite pleased.
God does the same
for us. Sometimes we think that our stains of sin are so deep that there is no
hope. But God, who is rich in mercies can take us, soak us in His love and wash
all our sins away. When He is finished we no longer looked stained and dirty
but we look beautiful and new through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. All
who come to Him can be made like new. He will never turn us away. There is
nothing we can do that is so bad that God can’t forgive. This is His perfect
loving gift to us.
Dear Savior,
Thank you for accepting us with all our sin stains. Thank you for cleansing us and making us new.
In Your Name,
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