Written by:  Jenny Calvert

You know that in a race all the runners
run, but only one runner gets the prize.
So run like that. Run to win!  All who
compete in the games use strict training.
They do this so that they can win a prize
—one that doesn’t last.  But our prize
is one that will last forever. So I run like
someone who has a goal. I fight like a
boxer who is hitting something, not just
the air.  It is my own body I fight to
make it do what I want.  I do this so that
I won’t miss getting the prize myself
after telling others about it.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27(ERV)

Anyone who knew my dad, knew he was a runner.  He loved running. Dad at an older age ran in many races, sometimes wining in his age category. Dad even had the privilege of running the torch for the Olympics.

Another runner, Gwen Jorgensen, competed in the women’s 2016 Olympics triathlon in Rio de Janeiro. This competition included swimming, cycling, and running.  There was much training involved by all the athletes and they all had the same goal in mind: win the gold medal!  But like all races, only one wins the prize.

In our Christian walk we are all runners in the race of life and Paul instructs us in the book of Corinthians to train and to have the goal of winning. How do we train for this race? Our regimen is to pray, study the word, fellowship with other Christians and apply the fruits of the spirit.  When we stay plugged into God as our power source we will have the stamina to run the race.  And if we keep our eyes focused on Him we will not steer off course. When we give Him control we win the prize of a life that is satisfied through Christ Jesus.

Gwen Jorgensen ended up being the first American woman to win gold in the Olympic triathlon, and is quoted as saying that she makes God her focal point and keeps Him number one.

My dad has finished his race of life and went on to be with the Lord. Dad kept his eye on the goal. He was firmly established in His trainer, Jesus Christ, and Dad has crossed the finish line, winning the prize.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for helping us gain a perspective on life when we keep focused on you.  Be in us, stay in us and work though us your mighty acts.

In Jesus’ Name,
