Written by: Jenny Calvert

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble……..Be still and know that I am God.
Psalms 46: 1, 10 (KJV)

My sister Judy and I suffer from a disorder called spasmodic torticollis.  It is involuntary muscle contractions in the neck that causes constant movement.  When muscles are constantly in spasms it produces pain.  Judy was diagnosed several years before me, so when I got the same diagnosis, I called her for advice.  She gave me several suggestions that worked for her, but she told me that the two most important things were, praying and staying as peaceful, calm and stress free as possible.

I took her words of wisdom.  Every day, I prop a pillow up behind my head to keep it still so that I can read.  I read my devotionals, say my prayers, and take a deep breath and listen to God.  I sit on my back porch and watch the humming birds, the butterflies, the clouds, the sun beams and all the beauty around me.  I listen to the birds sing, the wind blow through the trees or the distant thunder from an approaching storm. I give God thanks and drink in all that He has to offer.

We all need to make time to just be still, enjoy the beauty, count our blessings and take in a deep breath of the Holy Spirit. For some people, time is a precious commodity, but the payoff of taking time for a respite is well worth it, even if we only have 10 minutes. When we do this, we become refreshed and ready to face our challenges of the day. Having this ritual does not cure my ailment. My head still shakes making it difficult to do many tasks, but my spirit is calm inside me as His voice whispers, “Peace be still!”
Dear Holy One,

Thank you for giving us peace during the storms of life.  Help us in our harried schedules to take a few minutes to listen to you. Thank you for refreshing our souls and making us ready for your service.

In Christs’ Name,

