Written by: Jenny Calvert

You can go to him for protection. He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies. You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield. You will have nothing to fear at night.
Psalms 91:4-5 (ERV)

My son Stephen and his family agreed on raising chickens. Since they moved to the country with acreage surrounded by woods, it was a perfect place to do this. After studying on how to raise chickens, Stephen went to the local feed store to order the chicks. Soon 12 little chicks arrived and now the whole family was involved in chicken patrol; watering, feeding, housing and caring for the fuzzy little babies. When they grew to almost full size they started letting them out during the day, but every night they put them in the garage.
Stephen eventually built an outside structure as protection for the chickens. It had a chain link fenced run and an enclosed coop for the chickens to enter at night.  One evening it got late and they decided to let the chickens stay in the chain-link run area, not the enclosed coop. When the family awoke the next morning they were devastated to find that two of the chickens were gone and one was injured. The only sign of the lost chickens were feathers on the fence. Somehow a predator managed to steal those chickens during the night.

Moses knew what it was like to be have protection. This possible author of Psalms 91, attests to that protection while for forty years the Israelite children were in the wilderness. God provided them water from a rock, a cloud of shade at night, and a pillar of fire by night. He supplied manna and quail for food. In the wilderness God protected his children all the way to the promise land.

God still offers His shelter today. He told Jerusalem, “Many times I wanted to help your people. I wanted to gather them together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you did not let me.” Luke 13:34 (ICB) Gods desire is to gather us today under his wing. We are in danger of the predator, Satan. He seeks to devour us, but God is on people patrol. We can find sanctuary if we are only willing to hide under His wing of protection.
Our Dear Protector,

Thank you for providing a safe haven where we can hide. Protect us from evil and help us to lead others to the safety under your wing. We come oh Lord.

