Written by:  Jenny Calvert

Hannah prayed to the Lord a long time. Eli was watching her mouth while she was praying. Hannah was praying in her heart. Her lips were moving, but since she did not say the words out loud, Eli thought she was drunk. He said to her, “You have had too much to drink. It is time to put away the wine.”
 Hannah answered, “Sir, I have not drunk any wine or beer. I am deeply troubled, and I was telling the Lord about all my problems. Don’t think I am a bad woman. I have been praying so long because I have so many troubles and am very sad.”
Eli answered, “Go in peace. May the God of Israel give you what you asked for.”  1 Samuel 1: 12-17 (ERV)

In the story above you see a lady named Hannah who is deeply troubled and had been praying so long and so earnestly that the priest who had been observing her, thought she was drunk.  She was not drunk on alcohol, but drunk with sorrow.  Why? Because Hannah was childless and she so desperately  wanted a child, specifically a boy.  When she prayed she made promises to God she said, “If you will give me a son, I will give him to you. He will be yours his whole life, and as a Nazirite, he will not drink wine or strong drink, and no one will ever cut his hair.” 1 Samuel 1:11

God did grant Hannah her request and Hannah kept her promise.  She named the boy Samuel and gave him back to the Lord
Many women ache to have a child but remain childless.  One such woman was Wanda.  Wanda so earnestly wanted a child but she was barren.  She thought it was hopeless, but her grandmother knew otherwise.  She told her, “Wanda, you will have a child someday, because God has a special child just for you.”  Her grandmother could see something that Wanda could not. Eventually, God granted Wanda’s request.  She married a man, and this man already had one child, a girl.  Wanda finally had her child and now she even has grandchildren. God had truly blessed her just as her grandmother foretold.  It’s true that Wanda did not give birth but she knew God had given her that special child, and the proof of that fact was in her name, Towanda!

Sometimes a child comes to the childless in many forms. There are many children who need love. Maybe, it’s a neighbor child who would rather be at your home than their own.  Maybe it’s a child that is homeless.  Maybe it’s a child from a foreign country.  It may be a nephew or niece or children by marriage.  God is good and He sees the yearning in your heart.  When we have love to give to a child, we must be open to who He sends to be that child.

Dearest Lord,

Thank-you for hearing our prayers.  Please be with the many women who yearn to have a child but remain childless.  Please grant them the desires of their heart by providing that specific child you have planned for them to love.

In Your Name,
