Moses chose capable persons from all Israel and set them as leaders over the people, as officers over groups of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. They acted as judges for the people at all times. Exodus 18:25-26

Entrusting a task to someone else has been around since the beginning of time when God delegated the task of naming all the animals to Adam. God could have done it, but He chose to give that job to the human. Later, we find that Abel took care of the flocks, and Cane took care of the fertile land. I wonder if Adam delegated that task to them?

Many years later, we find Moses bogged down from sun-up to sun-down with being a judge. His wise father-in-law, Jethro, gave him some sound advice. He told him to delegate some of the tasks to capable people. Moses listened and did just that.

We delegate today, in our families at work, and church. We teach our children to do chores, we give our employees specific jobs, and we have a myriad of people who help to run the church smoothly. As Christians, God has delegated a vital task to us. We are to go into the world and show the love of Christ to others. There are many ways we can do this by acts of kindness, compassion, gentleness, comfort, prayer, testimony, support, and scripture. However, we must be careful not to neglect those in our care by being too busy. God gave us our families for a reason. If we bring the world to Christ but leave our families in the dark, we have done a great disservice. 

Christ, Himself, has royally commissioned us. Love God with all that is in you. Love others as you love Christ. Care for those God gave to you and be a blessing of Christ Jesus in you to everyone. God has given you a royal delegation.

Thank you, Christ Jesus, for my royal delegation. Help me to do my task well. Amen.
