For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

There have been many songs written that refer to love as a fire. Johnny Cash's song, "Ring of Fire," speaks of a burning desire of sexual sin that hurts. However, there is another kind of love that is also an unquenchable flame of passion. It is the love that God has for us. John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. He later states that the husks would burn in an unquenchable fire. 

The flames that can never be put out do not merely refer to the fire of hell that will never end but speak of a love so profound that no amount of sin could ever snuff out its fury. Yes, God's love is a fury of desire for all each individual person. It is a love that does cause us pain as its licking flames scorch and burn away our impurities.

It may sound terrible, and it is, but it's also the most glorious thing ever. It is a love of reconciliation. Ezekiel could see it in his vision. The old dry bones that he believed to be beyond any hope were joined together piece by piece. The ligaments and tendons were attached. The inner parts all came together perfectly to form many individual bodies. The very last thing was the breath of life that God breathed into them. Dead, dry bones came alive.

Nothing, not even a dried-up, lifeless, or cynical soul, is beyond the hope of God's everlasting love that can redeem, rebuild, renew, and revive. Why is this so? The reason is His love can never be snuffed out by our prostitution of idol worship, stamped out by our hatred and prejudice, quenched by our apathy, smothered by our pride, or doused by our lies and deceit. Murder cannot destroy God's love. The worst imaginable sin of humans has no power whatsoever over the power of God's love. 

All of us will face those flames at one time or another because God's grace never gives up on any of us. Why run from His inevitable flames of love? In times of stress, we have two responses, fight or flight, but I suppose there is a third choice, be still and know. Face God's loving flames, and soon you will find that the hurt turns into pure pleasure as you become new in Him.

Thank you, Father God, for your unquenchable love. Amen.
