For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6

When I was a child, our family would go camping in the summer. It was an economical vacation with hiking, swimming in the creek, and sleeping in a tent. We didn’t need a fancy hotel or resort to live it up in God’s natural spa. Each evening we would sit around a big campfire enjoying the sound of nature, telling stories, laughing, and singing songs. The next morning, if there was even still a hot coal in the bottom of the ashes, we could coax, blow, and add newspaper to get the fire blazing again to warm the cool morning air.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to us when we place our trust in Jesus Christ. He will light a fire in our spirit of His own nature. However, there are times, we become disinterested in using our spiritual gifts, or we are not as enthusiastic as we once were in our Christian walk. Although we haven’t dismissed God altogether, there is still a small coal that is warm deep within our hearts, just waiting to be coaxed into a full out flame.

When we come to God in repentance, He will help us. He wants us to be renewed in our joy of Him. It only takes a small spark to get a fire burning brightly again. All God wants is a willing heart.

If you feel blasé with your Christian walk maybe His spiritual gift inside you is lying dormant. God is waiting to awaken and renew the gift He has given you. He is ready to coax and blow onto the smoldering embers of your soul. Soon your smoke will turn into a spark, and from there, turn into a full-blazing flame. By confession, prayer, reading of the Word, and using your gifts in faith, God will fan into flame His gift inside you. He will turn your apathy to excitement, your indifference to devotion, your lethargy to zeal, and your coolness to a burning passion for Him. What spiritual gift has God given to you? Use your God-given gift and He will set your soul on fire!

Remind us, dear Lord, to always keep our fires flaming for You. Amen.
