There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.  Ephesians 4:4-6

I remember as a child there were seven of us crammed into one little house, and we each had our own big personality. Because of this, there were times when all five of us siblings would get into a squabble. Angry hurtful words were hurled and feelings were hurt; however, when the day was done, peace, harmony, and forgiveness prevailed. We felt secure because God’s love was the common bond, the one thing which glued us together.  

Do we understand that God’s love binds us together as one? Ephesians 4:4-6 says it all in such a simplistic way. There is only one God. He is the I Am eternal. He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and ending. He is the Creator, Author, Finisher of our Faith. He is also the Word manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ and our inspiration, motivator, helper, the Holy Spirit. God is all these, yet only one.  

His prevenient grace reaches the heart of every man. This grace does not reach only a select few but is there for every single person who ever was and who ever will be, all mankind created in His image. It is a seed of hope which calls us to His side. He woos us by His love, and He offers us faith. When His seed of faith takes root, we become one in Him.

Christ followers believe what they do not fully understand, yet in faith they follow Him nonetheless. They worship in a church which meets their deterministic view of God. Because God is their adopted Father through Jesus Christ, this blended family qualifies as one body, despite the many different denominations of churches. God’s attributes are being demonstrated through these family members with Christ’s characteristics of gentleness, humility, patience, and tolerance. His forgiving blood of love flows through the veins of all who believe.  

There may be squabbles, but in the end, we are one family, in one house, with one parent-- Abba Father! If we could just grasp the oneness, we could overcome judgmental views and discourse. We could avoid arguments which result in hurtful, angry words. We do not have to be right; we have to be love. In His love, we can be one.

Help me Lord to remember that in You we are one. Praise God through Jesus Christ, Amen.
