If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face...then will I hear from heaven.  2 Chornicles 7:14 (KJV)

Rachel and Leo were happy and felt blessed beyond all words. Rachael had just given birth to a healthy baby boy. God had already blessed them with two other boys, Henry, age 7 and Oliver, age 3, and now they had their third, named Elliot. He was healthy, strong, and beautiful just like his brothers.

Six weeks later while visiting Rachel’s parents, they noticed that Elliot did not seem himself. He was extremely sleepy, yet his cries seemed different, as if he were in severe pain. That evening, Rachel called her pediatrician but was unable to get any real answers over the phone. By morning, they could tell something was desperately wrong, so they took baby Elliot to the emergency room at the local hospital. After examination, they life-flighted the baby and Rachel to the children’s hospital. It was there that everything began to spin out of control. Elliot was hooked up to monitors, tubes, and numerous medical apparatuses. He was having seizures, so a breathing tube was inserted. The diagnosis was very serious; Elliot had a stroke from a brain hemorrhage. Rachel and Leo were fearful, watching their helpless baby struggle.

The church gathered around them with support, love, and prayers. Rachel’s friends on social media began praying. The word spread. Soon people who had never even met Elliot began praying for his healing. People prayed and God heard. Then in the midst of all the chaos, poking, prodding, and uncertainty, Rachel began to feel an underlying peace that Elliot was not going to leave their family. It was a peace she sensed was coming from God through the prayers of many people.

Elliot spent time in the ICU and several weeks in the hospital. The doctors were amazed at his recovery rate and the way he responded to people. Soon, he was released to go home to his brothers, who were anxiously waiting to get him and momma back home. Elliot is 4 months old now and seems to be doing great. They will not know fully how much damage was done by the stroke for a while, but Rachel and Leo have peace that whatever the outcome, God is good and all will be well.

Dear Father,

Thank you for hearing our prayers. We ask that you will be with parents of sick children to give them the peace and strength they need during difficult times.

In Your Name,

